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SOGC Major Project 2


What, specifically, is this piece trying to accomplish—above and beyond satisfying the basic requirements outlined in the prompt? In other words, what work does, or might, this piece do? For whom? In what contexts?

For this project the goal still remains similar to what it was when I first created it. The original academic paper was about coffee and its impact on America’s health, culture, and economics. This overarching idea still remains true but I wanted to reformat it in a way that college students would find it interesting. In my original version of this project it read very much in a college essay tone. This type of reading is not very enjoyable for students and I don’t know many who would choose to read an essay in their free time. I personally enjoy listening to podcasts that share tidbits of information that I would not usually know. The topic already was interesting and something that students would find interesting that I think by changing the format to being audio is more fitting to students lifestyles. I think as students we don’t have time to read and learn on our own time. So much of our energy goes to classes and studying that we have no time to explore random topics out of our major. That is why podcasts have gained so much popularity as they are the mode that allows for multitasking. Time is not as much as a problem with podcasts because students can turn them on and not have to worry about changing a song. They can let the podcast play while also focusing on homework, their walk to class, or whatever they may be doing while listening. My hope with this project is that I can create a podcast that is both informative but still interesting enough to catch the engagement of students. I want my project to be something that makes learning fun to do, even if it is a random topic such as coffee. One of my professors once told me in order to interesting you need to be interested. Ever since then I always try to make a conscious effort to be open to learning new things as it is knowledge that makes individuals interesting to be around. I think this trait is something that is lost in this generation as we don’t read as much as other generations thus by creating a podcast it is an easier medium to evoke learning in the on-the-go lifestyle of a college student.

What specific choices did you make to accomplish the goal(s) you outlined in your response above? Consider the rhetorical principles, methods, materials and technologies (everything from pen and paper to Photoshop) that you chose in your process. Include choices that you might not have consciously made, such as those that were made for you when you opted to work with certain genres, materials and technologies.

The main initial choice I used to accomplish this goal was to make a podcast. I knew that podcasts are currently trending within my age group making it a mode that I knew students would enjoy. In my opinion, podcasts have grown in popularity because it is a different medium then people are used to and they can be on any topic so there is something for anyone. Also by using a podcast it relates to the topic of cafe culture discussed in my paper. Cafes have turned into popular work spaces between class and home for students. Often times students will listen to music or podcasts while studying. This matches the “grind” atmosphere of cafes and relates to my overall goal of my project to encourage students to start learning things outside of the classroom.

Another choice I made when creating my project was to reformat the order of the topics I discussed. In my original paper it reads much like an academic essay starting with background information, then going into each topic. I decided to rework the order for the paragraphs because the current order made it sound too professional. I wanted to rearrange the order because in an essay you have to explain topics based on how you introduce them in the introduction, but podcasts read more like a one sided conversation. In a conversation I wouldn’t introduce my ideas then go down the line of them like a list but rather talk about what makes the most sense as to what comes before it. Students listen to lectures all day during the week, they don’t want to listen to an overly serious podcast on their downtime. I wanted the script to read like a conversation. Giving me places to ad lib and comment as I would if I was talking to someone in person. Changing the format to be more casual I think make the podcast sound as a friend telling you something cool that she learned rather than you being talked at. I resemble this by my side comments in the paper. For example when I am talking about how soldiers were given coffee as part of their diet, if I was talking to a friend I would naturally make a joke about how coffee is a part of my diet. I think keeping the script relatable will make the podcast as a whole more enjoyable to listen to.

The other major choice I made when making this podcast was to only introduction music and closing music. Overall, I didn’t want to include music that would move transition into new topics because I felt like it messed with the flow of the podcast. I liked how the podcast sounds like one conversation that continues rather then breaking it up into other ideas. Plus I made a point to add transitioning comments such as “moving on” or “now let’s talk about” to help the audience understand we are changing to a new topic without having to add a sound to notify them. I chose this because personally I dislike it when podcasts include sounds in the middle of their show as I feel like it distracts me from what they are saying, I rather there be a clean verbal transition then a noise to represent a new idea.

Why did you end up pursuing this plan as opposed to the others you came up with? How did the various choices listed above allow you to accomplish things that other sets or combinations of choices would not have?

I knew from the beginning of the project that I wanted to rework this particular paper as it was one of my favorites that I have done and it is my most recent research paper since entering college. However, initially I contemplated making the audience little kids and rework the paper to be explaining what that weird brown liquid is that mom and dad drink. I quickly realized that this would be very difficult as I would need to dumb down a large amount of the language and change the natural flow of the paper. While keeping the audience did let me not make as many drastic changes it did allow me to make a stronger overall impact of my assignment. While it would be cool to change it to little kids, what are they going to do with the information? It doesn’t add anything for them or impact them in any way. By making it for students I can try to spark a drive to learn outside of the classroom and showcase how it can be cool to know fun facts about random topics that interest you. I also for a short time debated doing a video and talking about the topic to friends over coffee over the course of multiple days. While I liked the concept of this idea I liked how a podcast could be listened to while in a coffee shop. No one really watches videos while in a coffee but you look around and everyone has their headphones in. Talking with friends also matches the cafe culture but organizing time to meet with everyone and fitting into other’s schedules by the due date was difficult as it is so I decided to do something on my own would be more efficient.

How did you draw on research and course readings when creating your project? Here you should discuss at least 3 sources, at least two of which should be from the course readings. The final source can also be from the course, or it may be research that you sought out on your own for the purpose of this project. In answering this question, consider how you can articulate the theoretical grounding behind your work, connecting that groundwork to your goals and choices.

Preparing for this project we read numerous articles of other author’s opinions of revamping projects. One reading we did was “Remediation” by Bolter and Gruisin. In the article they discuss how remediation is relative to the media around it.The authors talked a lot about remediation in digital media and all media is a version of what is popular around it. This relates to my project as I chose to make a podcast because I know that is what is popular with my age group right now. Also the idea of short podcasts that share interesting facts or news is a popular category. While I am not directly copying a topic even categories can be trending which is a form of remediation that I am using within my project. By changing my project into a new medium I am completely changing the current feel of the project by making it more casual and relatable but it is still completing the same goal of informing the audience on the history and effects of coffee on America. This idea of transforming an old medium but still having traces of the original related to the idea of remediation that Bolter and Grusin discussed.

Another article we read was “Transmodality in Action” by Artz, Hashem, and Moody. In the reading the authors discussed how transmodality is the basis of remakes. It allows creators to interpret, adapt, and retell stories which is extremely important in transmodality. I took these ideas into account when I was planning my project. I enjoyed how this article showcased the same idea in multiple modes. While I am not using more than one mode in my project it inspired me to deliver this project in a way that is not usual. I think part of using transmodality is that it engages the audience. My hope is that by using a podcast it is a different mode then students are used to when learning information so my goal is that is better attracts their attention and makes learning more enjoyable. Also because the point of the podcast is to be listened to while in a coffee shop, the audience can also visually see around them a real life cafe culture. They can make analyses of the environment around them while also learning about it, making the experience bigger than just a podcast.

Besides the articles from class I did my own research for the project. As my article uses a lot of sources I had to fact check some of my information to be sure that it still holds true from since I wrote the paper. In one of my statistics I explain how Starbucks is number 3 in fast food behind Subway and McDonalds. This didn’t seem right to me so I double checked it and now Starbucks is ranked number two behind Subway. It was important to me that my information was valid in my project to continue to emphasize the value of learning things you were not aware of before.

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