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Multimodal Response #10


When I first began this class I considered multimodal as just using different platforms to deliver a message. This is relevant in the beginning of my responses as I can tell I don't fully understand what it means to create something multimodal. After finishing this course and learning about how to use different modes I have found a new appreciation for the work and effort that goes into them. I now realize you don't make something a video just to make it a video, and you don't make something a poster just because-the platform that you create something on should arguably be considered more extensively then what actually presented on it. A huge lesson that I have taken with me from this class is considering how the audience will interact with my piece. As an Advertising major we always consider who our audience is but I think I find myself neglecting what they may do once they see it. I enjoyed thinking of what piece I wanted my audience to see first and how I wanted that to lead them to each piece after. As the semester draws to a close I have realized that my writing has gotten stronger. While working on the final major project I took the time to go back to re read my SOGC from past projects. I can tell through my writing even that I have gained a better understanding at how to articulate what I want a piece to accomplish, as well as a better understanding on why that piece should accomplish that goal. Overall, I am extremely grateful that I took this class and am excited to see how I can use these lessons in other walks of life as well.

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