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Multimodal Response #5



For my project I have decided to make an argument referring to taking care of the environment. I struggled on deciding on what subject I wanted to choose but finally decided on the environment. The state of the environment is based on the choices individuals make every day so I feel the two go together very seamlessly. Looking at the readings we have read so far this semester I very much feel as though I related to the struggles of Val in Shipka’s article “Sound Engineering” she talks in depth but struggling to come up with an idea and mode that works best with it. I feel as though this directly related to the struggles I have had this past week coming up with my slice of the Major Project. I feel as though I had strong ideas but I couldn’t identify a mode that would bring it to life the best. I debated on doing a day in the life at UIUC, but they realized that it wasn’t arguing anything as the prompt requested. I also debated on doing something about the safety of women during a night out in college but I didn’t feel as though I could bring that idea to life enough with any of the modes that I knew how to use. Val stated how she struggled with figuring out what form would best bring her museum to greed to life. After rereading her thought process and looking at the description of the Major Project again I finally decided on doing something with visual. I feel if I am talking about the effects of our choices on the environment seeing the results would build more of an impact. As of now I am unsure on how I plan to use visual in the project because I did enjoy using the programs we used in class but I don’t think the word based story will deliver the same result.

I am planning on continuing this project having the player travel through their day to and make normal choices that appear to have no relation to one another. Then based on their choices on how they go about their usual day at UIUC the endings will show the start of the planet because of the choices they made. By doing this I hope I can shed light to the issues Earth is experiencing currently and how every life choice impacts it. I am still working out the kinks of how the story will progress and how choices will lead you on different a journey. Below I started brainstorming different ideas and choices students make every day that I could use to branch off of.

In order to make this project impactful I am going to do a short research on the impact of making these choices for a year and how much damage it can cause the earth. These results will be used in the end of the journey's to help determine how each player's choices impacted the Earth. I am nervous looking ahead on to how I will plan this journey. I am thinking back to howling dogs and how many different roads you had to get down to reach the ending. I am unsure how many choices to include to make it long enough but also not too complicated to figure out how to reach the end. I also think making the beginning seem as though it has nothing to do with the environment will make the ending be more impactful. If it does not seem as though students are being tested on their behaviors they are more likely to answer honestly. However, I am struggling on how to do this in a way that using different modes in an engaging way.

I am still very much in the beginning stages of thinking and brainstorming my way of completing this project but my hope is to think through some of the concepts below to see what will work and what won't as I move forward with my rough draft.

Choices Brainstorm:

Waking up and leaving your lights on when you go to class

Taking the bus vs. driving yourself to class

Ordering coffee and using a reusable cup vs. using a normal cup

Using face wipes rather then a reusable makeup removing towel

Ordering plastic drinks from the bars

Not recycling vs. recycling

Online shopping vs. ordering in store

Using reusable straws

Using K-cups vs. a normal coffee maker

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