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Major Project 2: Process Artifacts


Overall, my process for this project was a lot more seamless then my first major project in this class. I wrote my original project into the new medium then altered it to be suited for a podcast rather then a paper. After our peer review and our rough draft review I went back to my script and added the changes where needed. I chose to not record my project until I had made all the changes needed to my script. Below are some of the different versions I had of some sections of my podcast.

Artifact 1: This was the original introduction to my Podcast, however when editing I decided to add an overall name to my podcast and add lib in the beginning to make it sound more natural.

Background of Coffee in America

To start let’s talk about how this whole coffee thing started. During the Civil War, soldiers were given coffee as a stable portion of their diet.

(I can relate to that, anyone else use iced coffee to substitute a meal)

Anyway, Once the war was over the soldiers brought the tradition home to their families. This “cup of joe” form of coffee is very different from the pumpkin spice lattes and espresso shots that are sold today.

In the 1960s-1970s supermarkets began to mass produce cheaper and lower quality coffee into stores in order to be more cost productive. This alternative mode of production caused a decline of coffee sales in America. During this mainstream decline small specialty coffee bean shops began to gain popularity (aka the expresso royales of the world). “These sellers of gourmet coffee were catering to a growing number of Americans desiring more from their food and beverage purchasers than what the supermarket mega brands were offering”(Tillotson).

Artifact 2: In this portion of my paper I was told that it read a little too much like an essay during one of my rough draft reviews. I still knew I wanted to include this study so I added a part of me explaining how I know this is a very science thing to talk about but the meaning behind the study is really interesting. I think by mentioning that this part of the podcast sounds more academic it actually overall made it less professional sounding.

"Historically this topic has been researched numerous times since the 1960s due to the fact that CVD and coffee consumption spiked during those years. This particular study took a look at 1,279,804 participants and 36, 352 CVD cases. "

Artifact #3: The hardest part of altering my project was making an academic sounding essay more casual and relatable to college students. During one of my peer reviews I was told to add more side comments and my own opinions of specific parts of the podcast to help keep the information light. I referred back to these comments multiple times when I was editing my final script.

After my peer review I realize that I need to rework the format of the first part of my script where it reads less academically and more like a podcast. I am still struggling with reworking the assignment to be a different project then just a new way of reading it. My hope is that by breaking down some of the statistics and facts into more of a storytelling format that the sound of the podcast will be engaging and not just fact listing. However, my introduction does set the podcast off to being interesting I just need to be sure the rest of the paper works the same.

Artifact #4: Originally when I wrote my SOGC I made one of my major choices the age group of my podcast. While that still is an important choice I made I was told in peer review the reasoning was repetitive of what I had already said early in the paper. Instead I chose to write about how my use of limited background sound helped make the lesson I was trying to teach stand out.

The final major choice I had was to keep the age group of the project being college level students. While it was an academic essay read by a professor part of our project was a presentation to our classmates. I decided to keep the same audience as I felt that sharing this topic to people who were younger (elementary level) would not have the same impact as they don’t drink coffee. Then talking to people who were older would not allow me to have the power to lighten up a serious paper. I would feel inclined to make it more complex to challenge older audiences. I liked keeping the audience being college students to challenge me to use a new mode and rework the project to being something that is more engaging and fun to listen to.

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